It’s been storming here. There is a ferocity and a calm that comes with storms. The roll of the thunder is jarring while the repetition of the rain is lulling. Right now there is a break. Gray clouds still linger however flecks of sunlight are peaking through my blind. I sit up in my bed and stare out of the window. On the horizon I see a hint of red, then orange, then yellow — the beginnings of a rainbow. I open the window, let the cool, wet air hit my face and I watch with joy, as those specs of colorful light multiply to form an arch across the sky. Bright colors slice the gray horizon—I feel a smile spread across my face. I always stop for rainbows. I am captivated by the bold and beautiful blending of water and light, these two elements that are the foundation of life.
I lean on the window sill, rest my chin on my hands and allow myself to be absorbed. Dark clouds disseminated into blue skies. I watched the rainbow as it until it fades in to the morning sun. Today will be beautiful.
I encourage you all this week to experience something beautiful. Allow yourself to be absorbed. Feel and appreciate the beauty with all of your sense. Create a snapshot in your mind. When you begin to feelthe pressures of life, recall your something beautiful, and restore your sense of calm. Make it a great week everyone.
Today’s Motivation
“Never be in too much of a hurry: nature is patience.”
~ Elder West African female initiate