Working In Reverse

Here is a fun fact about today’s message, I wrote it in reverse. When I was in college I struggled with Math, Physics, and Chemistry. Prior to taking those course, I’d convinced myself that I was not a computational person hence my mental block was already set. To add insult to injury, these subjects repeatedly required me do something I hated. They required me to work in reverse. I would be given equations that would have to be restructured and reorganized to find the correct solution. I would cringe when the professors would administer an exam full of answers followed by words such as, solve for x, y, z or state the inverse of this reaction. I would panic and my stress level would go through the roof. I would be cursing and crying to myself, all while trying to figure out how to work these equations. Most of the time I would either not finish the exams or write what made the most logical sense to me. Unsurprisingly, I would often get less than optimal grades on these exams. The professors would write out what the answers were supposed to look like and advise me to see a tutor and practice more, which I would do. I digested the theory though the application in those subjects was a struggle. I managed to pass multiple levels of Math, Physics, and Chemistry, however, it was only when I applied these inverse theories to English, Biology, and Psychology did they resonate. I can write a story starting with the end in mind, and mentally deconstruct plants, animals, and other organisms to gain a better understanding of how they work. I can read emotions and body language and reconstruct the scenarios that might have triggered the reaction or emotion. I have become skilled at taking what is in front of me and applying these reverse/inverse theories to find solutions.

Life often presents us with problems that need to be solved, and many of those problem contain unknowns.  Real world problems may not look like those in the text books, however those same theories apply—here is the answer, solve for z, x and y.  As you all travel through your week I encourage you to think about solutions before you highlight the problems.  Think about what you would like your outcomes to be and work backwards from there. Often the answer lie at the end, so that may be where you need to begin. Make it a great week everyone.

Today’s Motivation: 

“ To confront a person with his own shadow is to show him his own light”

~ Carl G. Jung